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The following tool can help you make sense of the knowledge, skills and competences developed during your university study and help you decide about your further educational path. Your use of this assessment should be for educational purposes only. It should not be used as psychological counseling and is not a substitute for a counselor that we recommend to visit.
Additionally, your answers may be anonymously stored and used for further research.

You will be presented with 60activities that you will have to rate by how much you would enjoy performing each on a scale (1) dislike (2) slightly dislike (3) neither like not dislike (4) slightly enjoy (5) enjoy. The test will take most 20 to 30 minutes to complete depending on how much you want to document.

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Logo: f-bbForschungsinstitut Betriebliche Bildung

Logo: Centre Interinstitutionnel 
de Bilan de Compétences 
Bourgogne Sud (CIBC)Centre Interinstitutionnel
de Bilan de Compétences
Bourgogne Sud (CIBC)

Logo: Universitat 
Autonoma de 
Barcelona (UAB)Universitat
Autonoma de
Barcelona (UAB)
Logo: Akademia 
spolka z ograniczona 
spolka z ograniczona
Logo: Narodni vzdelavaci fond, o.p.s. (NVF)Narodni vzdelavaci fond, o.p.s. (NVF)